Editor's Commentary - The network approach for prevention of healthcare-associated infections: Long-term effect of participation in the Duke Infection Control Outreach Network

BERKELEY, CA (UroToday.com) - An interesting strategy for infection prevention is the formation of an “infection control network” as described by Anderson et al., (2011).

These authors describe a collaboration between Duke University Medical Center and community hospitals (39) in 4 states (Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia) and called it the Duke Infection Control Outreach Network (DICON). Services received by these hospitals include infection control expert consultation, monthly visits from DICON personnel, data analysis and feedback, strategies to prevent infections and reduce infection rates, assistance with regulatory audits, regular feedback on the cost of HAIs, and educational programs.

The authors report on a prospective, observational cohort study conducted at 24 hospitals that participated in DICON from 2003 through 2009. From this publication, it appears as though a collaborative model as described here can improve infection prevention, patient safety, and patient outcomes in community hospitals.

Anderson DJ, Miller BA, Chen LF, Adcock LH, Cook E, Cromer AL, Louis S, Thacker PA, Sexton DJ  


Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2011 Apr;32(4):315-22

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 21460482

UroToday.com Infections Section