The discovery of antimicrobials as β-lactam antibiotics or aminoglycosides revolutionized the treatment of infectious diseases. However, the extensive use rapidly created the problem of resistant pathogens, which are increasingly difficult to treat. FimH antagonists are a new class of antimicrobials, which target the bacterial adhesion to urothelial cells, a crucial first step in the establishment of urinary tract infections. Because of their different mode of action, FimH antagonists neither kill nor inhibit the growth of bacteria, they should have a reduced potential to generate resistant strains. This mini-review outlines the main problems associated with increasing development of antimicrobial resistance. Furthermore, it summarizes the currently available in vivo studies in mice for the treatment of urinary tract infections conducted with FimH antagonists.
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Abgottspon D, Ernst B Are you the author?
University of Basel, Institute of Molecular Pharmacy, Basel, Switzerland. daniela.abgottspon@unibas
Reference: Chimia (Aarau). 2012;66(4):166-9
doi: 10.2533/chimia.2012.166
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 22613141