Favorable outcome of Fournier gangrene in two patients with diabetes mellitus on continuous peritoneal dialysis - Abstract

Fournier gangrene (FG), a form of necrotizing fasciitis of the perineum and genitals, with high morbidity and mortality in the general population, carries the additional risk of involvement of the peritoneal catheter tunnel and peritoneal cavity in patients on chronic peritoneal dialysis (PD).

We describe two men with diabetes who developed FG in the course of PD. Computed tomography showed no extension of FG to the abdominal wall, and spent peritoneal dialysate was clear in both patients. Broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy with anaerobic coverage and early aggressive debridement followed by negative-pressure wound therapy and repeated debridement led to improvements in clinical status in both cases. Surgical closure and healing of the wound was achieved in one patient; the wound of the second patient is healing, but remains open. Both patients experienced prolonged hospitalization, with a serious decline in nutrition status. In patients on PD, FG can be treated successfully. However, additional measures are required to evaluate for potential involvement of the PD apparatus and the peritoneal cavity in the infectious process; and prolonged hospitalization, worsening nutrition, and multiple surgical interventions can result.

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Vigil D, Regmi A, Last R, Wiggins B, Sun Y, Servilla KS, Fair JR, Massie L, Tzamaloukas AH.   Are you the author?

Reference: Adv Perit Dial. 2014;30:120-4.

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25338433

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