To assess the feasibility and the accuracy of emptying cystometry in order to simplify the manometric follow-up of overactive detrusor in neurological patients under anticholinergic or botulinum toxin injections.
Female patients with a stable detrusor underwent both a conventional cystometry and sequential measurements of bladder pressure during emptying (emptying cystometry). At the end of the standard cystometry, a CH12 urinary catheter was introduced in the bladder and was connected to a three-way stopcock. The second way of the stopcock permitted the emptying. The third way of the stopcock was connected to a vertical graduated tube to measure the bladder pressure each 50mL during the bladder emptying.
Eleven female patients were included (mean age: 59.4years). Nine patients (82%) had neurogenic bladder. Mean cystometric capacity was 439mL (SD: 35mL). During the emptying cystometry, 8 to 10 measures were taken (mean: 9.4). The mean detrusor pressure was 1.7cmH2O (SD 2.1) for the filling cystometry and 2.3cmH2O (SD: 2.7) for the emptying cystometry. The agreement between the detrusor pressure between the two cystometries was good with intra-class correlation coefficient at 0.66 [0.48-0.77] - and the correlation was high (r=0.7; P<0.000001).
In a small, selected sample of patients, emptying cystometry provides similar results of detrusor pressure to filling cystometry. This technique could constitute a home monitoring of bladder pressures in a selected population of patients with intermittent catheterization in whom a manometric follow-up of detrusor overactivity is required.
Progres en urologie : journal de l'Association francaise d'urologie et de la Societe francaise d'urologie. 2018 Jul 13 [Epub ahead of print]
C Chesnel, A Charlanes, A Declemy, F Le Breton, J Kerdraon, S Sheikh Ismael, G Amarenco
GREEN GRC-01 UPMC (Group of clinical Research in Neuro-urology), Sorbonne University, Paris, France; Department of Neuro-urology, Tenon Hospital, AP-HP, 4, rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris, France. Electronic address: ., GREEN GRC-01 UPMC (Group of clinical Research in Neuro-urology), Sorbonne University, Paris, France; Department of Neuro-urology, Tenon Hospital, AP-HP, 4, rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris, France. Electronic address: ., GREEN GRC-01 UPMC (Group of clinical Research in Neuro-urology), Sorbonne University, Paris, France; Department of Neuro-urology, Tenon Hospital, AP-HP, 4, rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris, France. Electronic address: ., GREEN GRC-01 UPMC (Group of clinical Research in Neuro-urology), Sorbonne University, Paris, France; Department of Neuro-urology, Tenon Hospital, AP-HP, 4, rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris, France. Electronic address: ., GREEN GRC-01 UPMC (Group of clinical Research in Neuro-urology), Sorbonne University, Paris, France; Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Kerpape Ploemeur Hospital, Ploemeur, France. Electronic address: ., GREEN GRC-01 UPMC (Group of clinical Research in Neuro-urology), Sorbonne University, Paris, France; Department of Neuro-urology, Tenon Hospital, AP-HP, 4, rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris, France. Electronic address: ., GREEN GRC-01 UPMC (Group of clinical Research in Neuro-urology), Sorbonne University, Paris, France; Department of Neuro-urology, Tenon Hospital, AP-HP, 4, rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris, France. Electronic address: .