Head-To-Head Energy Transmission of the Super-Pulse Thulium Fiber Laser Versus Holmium Laser in Multiple Fiber Sizes and Settings Presentation - Allen Rojhani

May 9, 2023

Allen Rojhani presents a study comparing the energy transmission and pressure generated by a super-pulse thulium fiber laser and a holmium laser during lithotripsy. The study used different fiber sizes and settings and recorded the parameters using an energy meter and pressure sensor. The results showed that the thulium outperformed the holmium in most settings, transmitting more energy and generating uniformly lower pressures. The study concludes that the thulium laser can be a viable alternative to the holmium for lithotripsy, especially for dusting.


Allen Rojhani, MD, Drexel University College of Medicine, Department of Urology, University of California, Irvine, CA

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Allen Rojhani: Dear viewers, my name is Alan Rojhani, and I'm a fourth year medical student at the Drexel University College of Medicine and also a research fellow at the University of California, Irvine. Today I'll be presenting a study titled Head-to-Head Energy Transmission of the Super-Pulse Thulium Fiber Laser versus Holmium Laser Using Multiple Fiber Sizes and Settings. We compared percent energy transmission and pressure generated with a holmium and super-pulse thulium laser. Using an energy meter and a pressure sensor, we recorded lithotripsy parameters using popcorn, dusting and fragmentation settings, delivered with a 272, 365, 550, and 940 micron fibers fired at one and two millimeter distances from the target.

At one millimeter, the thulium outperformed the holmium in all settings except with a 272 micron fiber and popcorn and fragmentation. At two millimeters, the thulium transmitted more energy than the holmium in all conditions evaluated. The thulium yielded uniformly lower pressures than the holmium.

In conclusion, for dusting the thulium at one or two millimeters transmits equal or greater energy than the holmium. Also, thulium generates less pressure than holmium at all lithotripsy settings.