HERO Study TE: Discussion Videos

Relugolix in the Phase 3 HERO Study in Men with mHSPC - Bertrand Tombal

Alicia Morgans is joined by Bertrand Tombal who is highlighting two subgroup analyses from the phase III HERO trial reported at the 2021 European Society of Medical Oncology meeting. They discuss a subgroup analysis of the phase 3 HERO study assessing the efficacy and safety of relugolix versus leuprolide among men with advanced prostate cancer as well as a subgroup analysis assessing geographical...

Impact of Age on Castration Rates from The HERO Study – Michael Cookson

Alicia Morgans, MD, MPH, and Michael Cookson, MD, MMHC, FACS, discuss age subgroups in the HERO trial, evaluating differences in castration rates between patients of different ages from the HERO Study. The HERO trial evaluated relugolix compared to standard androgen deprivation therapy with leuprolide. Dr. Cookson discusses how they performed the analysis. The evaluation demonstrated that younger...

HERO Trial: Oral Relugolix for ADT in Advanced Prostate Cancer - Thomas Keane

Tom Keane, MBBCh, FRCSI, FACS, recaps the HERO Phase III Trial comparing the safety and efficacy of relugolix with leuprolide acetate in advanced prostate cancer patients. In this trial, men with advanced prostate cancer who received relugolix achieved rapid, sustained suppression of testosterone levels that were superior to that with leuprolide, with a 54% lower risk of major adverse cardiovascul...

Impact of Age on Efficacy and Safety of Relugolix in the Phase 3 HERO Study Versus Leuprolide in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer - Fred Saad

The HERO study was a randomized, open-label, parallel-group study evaluating relugolix in men with advanced prostate cancer. Overall, 934 men with advanced prostate cancer underwent 2:1 randomization to receive relugolix 120 mg orally once daily after a single loading dose of 360 mg or leuprolide 3-month injections for 48 weeks. Subgroups analyzed by age were <65 years or ≥65 years and ≤75 years o...

Relugolix in the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer- Neeraj Agarwal

Neeraj Agarwal, MD joins Petros Grivas, MD, PhD, sharing his clinical perspective on using relugolix in patients with advanced prostate cancer, and how this new oral treatment option fits into the prostate cancer treatment algorithm. The phase 3 HERO trial looked at patients with advanced prostate cancer, locally advanced prostate cancer, as well as metastatic prostate cancer, and patients were ra...

Selection of Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Use in Advanced Prostate Cancer - Bertrand Tombal

Joining Thomas Keane, MBBCh, FRCSI, FACS, diving into the data reported in the Phase III HERO trial is Bertrand Tombal, MD, PhD. In this conversation, Dr. Tombal drives awareness in the urology community on the use of oral relugolix and the benefits to patients. He discusses the clinical implications of the trial data, intermittent androgen deprivation therapy, the relevance of testosterone surge,...

Transitioning Patients to an Oral GnRH Antagonist and Optimizing Patient Outcomes - Brenda Martone

Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Brenda Martone of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine joins Alicia Morgans, MD, MPH in a discussion on operationalizing the use of the oral GnRH antagonist, relugolix, in clinical practice. They discuss the unique challenges often faced with getting an oral treatment into the patient's hands and talk through the best practices to ensure a successful pro...

Patient Selection for ADT Treatment with the Oral GnRH Antagonist in Clinical Practice - Ashley Ross

In this conversation Alicia Morgans, MD, MPH, and Ashley Ross, MD discuss his considerations of patient selection when using the oral GnRH antagonist, relugolix. Dr. Ross explains his thought process when considering oral ADT therapy for his patients, and outlines three specific scenarios when he leans into recommending its use for his patients and his approach to patient follow-up once oral treat...

Impact of Concomitant Prostate Cancer Therapy of Relugolix in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer - Daniel J. George

Daniel George, MD, and Neal Shore, MD, FACS, co-investigators of the Phase III HERO Trial join Alicia Morgans, MD, MPH recapping the 2021 GU ASCO analysis that Daniel George presented on the efficacy and safety of relugolix vs leuprolide in men with advanced prostate cancer. This was a subgroup analysis assessing the impact of concomitant prostate cancer therapy on the safety and efficacy of the o...

First and Only Oral GnRH Receptor Antagonist Orgovyx for the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer - Charles Ryan & Alicia Morgans

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Orgovyx (relugolix), the first and only oral GnRH receptor antagonist for the treatment of patients with advanced prostate cancer. Alicia Morgans, MD, MPH, and Charles Ryan, MD discuss Orgovyx and what it means to men being treated for advanced prostate cancer who now have an oral ADT treatment option. The FDA approval of Orgovyx is bas...