For more than 20 years, UroToday has been THE premier online educational resource for genitourinary oncology – clinicians educating clinicians. During this time, advanced prostate cancer has been completely transformed, pa≥ particularly in the last 10+ years. Since then, we have seen (briefly) the following in advanced prostate cancer:

  • Docetaxel for mCRPC progression
  • Cabazitaxel following docetaxel for mCRPC progression
  • Radium-223 for mCRPC
  • Docetaxel + ADT for mHSPC
  • Abiraterone + prednisone for mHSPC
  • ARPIs + ADT for mHSPC
  • ARPIs + ADT for M0 CRPC
  • Enzalutamide +/- ADT for non-metastatic HSPC
  • PARP inhibitors for mCRPC
  • Radioligand therapy for mCRPC