From the Desk of the Editor

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Center of Excellence on Bladder Cancer. “The time is now”. This is an often used phrase in literature, often enough to be considered a cliché. Yet it is exactly this term which applies to the field of bladder cancer research today.

After decades of relative stagnation our field is moving at a dizzying pace toward meaningful improvements in patient care for those suffering from this disease. From better understanding of variant histology, knowledge of the genetic profile of tumors, identification of key signaling pathways, advances in immunotherapy, the adoption of enhanced recover pathways, and more, we now have the tools to make truly meaningful improvements in our patients’ outcomes.

My goal as editor of the Center of Excellence is to bring to your attention selected and specific studies, articles, and commentaries discussing urothelial cancers of the bladder and urinary tract. This Center of Excellence will also highlight multidisciplinary care models and place an emphasis on diverging points of view and areas of controversy, as well as an on the latest advances in patient care. Together with expert commentary and interpretation of new study information, our goal will be simple: to bring the best information and treatment practices to the urology community.

Any journal or center is only as good as the community which interacts with it. Thus, at the very onset, I am requesting that you – the reader - participate in our Center of Excellence by submitting articles, ideas for topics to be covered and also conversations on social media feeds or letters to the editor. 

The time is now! 

Written By: Ashish M. Kamat, MD, MBBS, FACS, Professor of Urologic Oncology, Waybe B. Duddlesten Professor of Cancer Research, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Published Date: June 11th, 2017