Welcome to the SUFU Center of Excellence
Our first focus will be on overactive bladder (OAB) and use the SUFU OAB clinical care pathway (CCP) when treating overactive bladder. We determined some time ago that there was not a standardized OAB clinical care pathway. There are variations in the offerings of OAB treatments across practices. We developed an evidence-based expert consensus SUFU OAB Clinical Care Pathway. Our objectives have been to functionalize the AUA/SUFU OAB Guidelines that are evidence-based and flexible when no evidence is available. It has been established to provide guidance on multiple lines of therapy, beginning with the first line and simulates a navigator for practices of all types. This is an extension of the educational component that offers unbiased descriptions of the OAB therapies being offered
Written by: Stephen R. Kraus, MD, Professor and Interim Chairman of the Department of Urology, Division Head of the Division of Female Urology, Neuro-Urology and Voiding Dysfunction, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas
Published Date: December 5th, 2019