#AUA14 - AUA Guideline: Diagnosis and treatment of overactive bladder (non-neurogenic)

ORLANDO, FL USA (UroToday.com) - Presented by E. Ann Gormley, MD, et al. at the American Urological Association (AUA) Annual Meeting - May 16 - 21, 2014 - Orlando, Florida USA

Click HERE to view the complete guideline

Click HERE to view the treatment algorithm associated with this guideline

Click HERE to listen to E. Ann Gormley, MD discuss the guideline update.

Panel Members:
E. Ann Gormley, MD
Kathryn Burgio, PhD
Toby Chai, MD
J. Quentin Clemens, MD
Deborah Lightner, MD
Anurag Das, MD
Harris Foster, MD
Harriette Scarpero, MD
Sandip Vasavada, MD
Daniel Culkin, MD, PGC rep
Chris Tessier, MD, Informatics Liaision

Wayne Brandis, DO, MPH, MSc
Martha Faraday, PhD