ICS 2018: Nocturia Diagnosis in Lower Urinary Tract Symptom (LUTS) Patients is Associated With Decreased Sleep Quality, Work Productivity and Daytime Tiredness: A Physician and Patient Survey
Researchers used Adelphi Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Disease Specific Programme to analyze provider and patient perspective on nocturia diagnoses. 148 providers completed study record forms for 2,086 patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Forms captured patients’ demographic characteristics and specific diagnoses. Patients were instructed to complete a study-specific form to document presence or absence of nocturic voids and related quality of life measures (first uninterrupted sleep period, number if daytime naps, frequency of being tired at daytime, etc.). Then, patients were divided into two groups based on the diagnosis of nocturia. Sample characteristics are reflected in Figure 1.
Data analysis showed that patients who received a diagnosis of nocturia from the participating providers had more nocturic episodes compared to the group without nocturia diagnosis. In addition, diagnosed subjects reported more daytime naps, feeling tired, and waking up in less than 3 hours after bedtime to urinate (Figure 2). These subjects were in general more bothered by their symptoms than non-nocturia group.
Research demonstrated that nocturia could affect people’s quality of life, decrease work productivity, cause sleep disturbances and consequential comorbidities. It can be associated with other LUTS symptoms, but it can also be an independent symptom. Therefore, it is important to appropriately diagnose patients in order to offer them an appropriate treatment and improve their quality of life.
Presented by: Jay Jhaveri, Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Coauthors: Anderson P, Piercy J, Wood R, Guo A
Written by: Hanna Stambakio, BS, Clinical Research Coordinator, Division of Urology, University of Pennsylvania, Twitter: @PennUrology at the 2018 ICS International Continence Society Meeting - August 28 - 31, 2018 – Philadelphia, PA USA