IBCN 2018: Insights in the Role of Chemokines in Cancer Metastasization

Rotterdam, The Netherlands (UroToday.com) Marcus Thelan presented a lecture on chemokines and role in cancer metastatic disease. The chemokines are small peptide molecules of which 50 are known with 18 chemokine receptors. Tumors can evade the immune system by exploiting the chemokine system by downregulation, inhibition and/or promotion of chemokine system.

Diffuse large B cell lymphoma is an example of how the chemokine system can be exploited in carcinogenesis using ACKR3. He developed an atypical ligand for the ACKR3 receptor which was labelled fluorescently.  He observed uptake of the atypical ligand at varying temperatures with varying rates of metastatic sites in mouse model dependent on uptake of ligand and binding to receptor. He found the main activity of ACKR3 is to control the availability of CXCL12 thereby showing balance of inhibition and promotion of chemokine system important for carcinogenesis.

In summary, Dr. Thelan highlights the importance of chemokines interplay in tumor metastases. Further research dedicated to chemokines in bladder cancer patients are needed to understand the impact in this disease.  

Presented by: Marcus Thelen, Institute for Research in Biomedicine Università della Svizzera italiana Bellinzona, Switzerland

Written by: Stephen B. Williams, M.D., Associate Professor, Division of Urology, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX. and Ashish M. Kamat, M.D. Professor, Department of Urology, Division of Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX at the 16th Annual Meeting of the International Bladder Cancer Network (IBCN) October 11-13, 2018 - the Inntel Hotels Rotterdam Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands