Urologists Explore the Impacts of the Dobbs Decision on Men Seeking Vasectomies

Reno, Nevada (UroToday.com) -- Researchers will be presenting these policy and practice implications of the Dobbs decision study findings at the 118th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association. Denise Asafu-Adjei, MD, Director of Male Reproductive Medicine at the Department of Urology at Loyola Medicine, will moderate a virtual press session featuring the following two abstracts.

  • Rutul Patel, DO, MS, from Montefiore Urology, presented preliminary results from a multi-institutional study investigating the change in vasectomy consultations and procedures following the reversal of Roe v. Wade. “A Multi-Institutional Analysis of Vasectomy Consultations and Procedures Following Roe v. Wade Overruling.”
  • Alex Zhu, DO, from University of Michigan, determined the impact of Dobbs on the number and types of men seeking vasectomy. “A 225% Increase in Vasectomy Consults: Male Implications of the Dobbs Decision.”
"Vasectomies have increased significantly across the country since overturning Roe vs Wade,” said Dr. Asafu-Adjei. “This represents an unprecedented shift in reproductive health behavior by men and may ultimately lead to more parity in reproductive justice."
Source: American Urological Association. (2023). Urologists Explore the Impacts of the Dobbs Decision on Men Seeking Vasectomies [Press release]. https://auanet.mediaroom.com/2023-04-28-Urologists-Explore-the-Impact-of-the-Dobbs-Decision-on-Men-Seeking-Vasectomies.