BCAN 2019: Genomics in Bladder Cancer

Washington, DC (UroToday.com) Gordon Robertson from British Columbia Cancer Agency, Genome Sciences Centre discussed his experience with the development of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and the PanCancer Atlas as well and the Genome Data Commons’ (GDC). He further opened the discussion presenting the recent work on the Consensus Classification system as an example of team science to develop 6 subtypes to standardize.

TCGA is an NIH-funded molecular profiling consortium with over 11,000 samples, 33 cancers and 10 years in development with clinical data. TCGA bladder cancer also had comprehensive clinical data with multivariate survival analysis. The PanCancer Atlas provides a comprehensive resource publicly available for use. He discussed a recent comparison of older to newer data using TCGA, the PanCancer Atlas and GDC. 

He closed his discussion with ongoing work including regulon analysis which assesses regulon activity profile across a cohort in a nonlinear transformation of gene expression data particularly to assess genes closely related to one another. Particularly, regulon activity can sort a cohort whereas regulon status can stratify a cohort. He discussed TCGA bladder cancer applications segregating FGFR3 mutations and other interesting relationships according to subtypes.

Presented by: Gordon Robertson, Staff Scientist at BC Cancer Agency Genome Sciences Centre, Vancouver, Canada 

Written by: Stephen B. Williams, MD, Medical Director for High Value Care; Chief of Urology, Associate Professor, Director of Urologic Oncology, Director Urologic Research, The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, TX and Ashish M. Kamat, MD, Professor, Department of Urology, Division of Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX at the 2019 Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN) Think Tank August 8-10, 2019  -  the Capital Hilton, Washington, DC, USA