EAU 2017: Testicular cancer in patients with learning disabilities in England from 2001-2015: A national cohort study
Patient records were identified from the Hospital Episode Statistics database from 2001 to 2015. Patients coded as having a diagnosis of “mental retardation” or “developmental disorder of scholastic skills” or being admitted as an outpatient/inpatient with a diagnosis of “learning disabilities” were included in the study.
Of 158,138 male patients identified with a learning disability, 331 (9.67%) had testicular cancer. Thirty-two men died from their cancer. In the general population, there were 713 (n = 25,675, 2.78%) total cancer-specific deaths. LD patients had a poorer prognosis with 10-year cancer specific survival of 88.4% (95% CI 84.5%-92.4%) compared to non-LD patients (96.9%, 95% CI 96.6%-97.1%).
The authors concluded that LD individuals in England have worse testis cancer-specific survival than non-LD counterparts. Education regarding self-examination for testis cancer must be provided in a format suitable for individuals with moderate to severe LD. Care-takers for male patients with LD should be informed about testicular examination and symptoms of disease.
Speaker(s): M. Afshar, Birmingham, UK
Benjamin T. Ristau, MD, SUO Fellow, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
at the #EAU17 - March 24-28, 2017- London, England