Education Resources - Indwelling Catheters

This educational resource is a three-part series on the subject of catheter-associated urinary tract infections. In this webinar series, catheter-associated urinary tract infection as a part of the overall issue of hospital-acquired infection is examined. Why CAUTI is important and why this specific HAI has the attention of so many organizations and agencies is discussed. Finally, it examines the risk factors and pathogenesis for CAUTI, and what the current CDC definition of CAUTI is.

Education Tools - Indwelling Catheters

The following tools, outlining best practices in the handling of Foley catheters and urine drainage bag positioning, are available for download:

care and use of foley330c

download button

drainage bag330c

download button


indications iuc330d

download button


download button



download button

Published Date: January 2013

Clinical Practice Inservice Tools - Indwelling Catheters

The following tools, outlining best practices in the handling of Foley catheters and urine drainage bag positioning, are available for download to support staff inservicing and other clinical practice educational initiatives: