An 8-year-old boy underwent a STING procedure for vesicoureteric reflux. 11 years later, at 19-years-old he presented with the passage of sediment per urethra every 7 weeks. CT scan demonstrated a lesion at the right VUJ. Cystoscopy revealed a 2cm suburothelial mass adjacent to the VUJ, with normal urothelium overlying it. Resection of the area revealed a white plastic-like substance, consistent with the bulking agent Deflux, which was scraped away. The patient made an uneventful recovery and at review, 3 months later, is symptom free. Our case demonstrates a rare and unusual complication of the STING procedure.
Endourology, General Urology, Paediatrics.
Urology case reports. 2020 Apr 02*** epublish ***
Joseph Santiapillai, Andrew Symes
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Princess Royal Hospital, Lewes Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 4EX, UK.