Comorbidities Among Sexual Problems in Men: Results From an Internet Convenience Sample.

Men suffering from one sexual problem sometimes report having another sexual problem, but few studies have determined concordance rates among dysfunctions in non-clinical samples.

This study determined comorbidities among sexual dysfunctions based on an internet convenience sample of 4432 men from Hungary, the USA, and other world regions that visit social media fora.

Participants completed an online 55-item questionnaire that included questions assessing erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation (PE), delayed ejaculation (DE), and lack of sexual interest (LSI).

Concordance rates and odds ratios among sexual dysfunctions.

Approximately 8% of men suffered from two or more sexual problems; men with a severe sexual problem were significantly more likely to suffer from a second sexual problem; concordance between PE and erectile dysfunction ranged from 23-29%, with subtypes of lifelong vs acquired PE showing patterns similar to one another; and most men with delayed ejaculation reported minimal problems with LSI, although LSI was generally key to understanding all other dysfunctions.

The percentage of men with one sexual problem having a second sexual problem was substantial, ranging from 23-40%. These findings will help clinicians better understand the intertwined nature of sexual problems and assist them in developing management protocols that address concomitant inadequacies in sexual response. Rowland DL, Oosterhouse LB, Kneusel JA, et al. Comorbidities Among Sexual Problems in Men: Results From an Internet Convenience Sample. Sex Med 2021;XX:XXXXXX.

Sexual medicine. 2021 Aug 01 [Epub ahead of print]

David L Rowland, Laurel B Oosterhouse, Julia A Kneusel, Krisztina Hevesi

Department of Psychology, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso IN, USA. Electronic address: ., Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso IN, USA., Department of Psychology, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso IN, USA., Institute of Psychology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.