Erectile dysfunction is a condition that is often under-reported.
This article provides the community nurse with a brief overview of erectile dysfunction in the context of sexual health and its importance to wellbeing. The article outlines issues concerning epidemiology, the possible causes of erectile dysfunction and the impact the condition can have on the man's quality of life. Often men with erectile dysfunction report being stigmatised, feeling shame and experiencing guilt. The role of the community nurse in assessing, making a diagnosis and helping the man with the condition is described. The article emphasises the fact that in order to offer care effectively and competently the community nurse must be up to date and knowledgeable concerning the condition.
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Peate I. Are you the author?
Reference: Br J Community Nurs. 2012 Jul;17(7):310, 312, 314-7.
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 22875181 Erectile Dysfunction Section