Improvement in cancer treatments resulted in an increased number of men surviving cancer.
Quality of life has become an important issue in these patients. Anti cancer treatments might have transient or definitive harmful effects on male fertility. Sperm cryoconservation is currently the only proven method to preserve fertility in patients undergoing oncologic treatment. It should be proposed to every patient at reproductive age before chemotherapy, radiotherapy or any surgery involving reproductive tract. Despite low use rate, this simple method could allow patients presenting infertility after treatment to father a child.
Written by:
Leyvraz RC, Vaucher L, Primi MP. Are you the author?
Laboratoire d'andrologie et de biologie de la reproduction Maternité, CHUV, 1011 Lausanne.
Reference: Rev Med Suisse. 2012 Dec 5;8(365):2335-6, 2338-9.
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 23330233
Article in French. Male Infertility & Reproduction Section