INTRODUCTION: Peyronie's disease described as penile curvature, fibromathosis and pain that occur most often in men aged 40 to 60 years.
The main complaint that caused the patient to visit the clinic is nodules on the upper surface of the penis, causing curvature and distortion particularly during erection, but they don't have any urinary problem. In this study, we evaluated the effect of verapamil compared to pentoxifylline in Peyronie's disease.
METHODS: In this study, 90 patients with signs and symptoms of Peyronie's disease which were diagnosed and were in the age range 40 to 70 years enrolled. The patients were randomly divided into 3 groups. First group received pentoxifylline orally at a dose of 400 mg three times a day, in the second group verapamil (10 mg every other week for up to 12 sessions) was injected into the lesion and the third group received both treatments in combination.
RESULTS: In patients, who received pentoxifylline, curvature reduction was 26.7%, plaque size reduction was 30%, the recovery rate of erectile dysfunction was 46.7% and pain reduced was 73.3%. Each of these cases in patients, who used beta-blockers, was 36.7%, 33.3%, 66.7% and 76.6%. In combination therapy, curvature reduction was 36.7%, plaque size reduction was 33.3%, the recovery rate of erectile dysfunction was 86.7% and pain reduced was 80%.
CONCLUSION: In our study there was no significant difference between two groups using verapamil or pentoxifylline, but there was a significant improvement in combination therapy group. Due to our results we propose that combination therapy can improve results and should be considered as a choice in treatment of Peyronie's disease.
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Alizadeh M, Karimi F, Fallah MR. Are you the author?
Reference: Glob J Health Sci. 2014 Sep 18;6(7 Spec No):38292.
doi: 10.5539/gjhs.v6n7p23
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25363175