Prostatitis and andrological implications - Abstract

Aim: The prostatitis syndrome is a frequent disease affecting men in their reproductive age.

The prostatitis syndrome is classified according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) definition. Andrological implications of the prostatitis syndrome might encompass fertility issues, sexual dysfunctions and endocrinological alterations and influences.

Methods: A medline query using the terms prostatitis AND andrological implication, fertility, sexual dysfunction or endocrinology was performed.

Results: Acute bacterial prostatitis and andrological implications have not been adequately addressed. Patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome have been investigated evaluating sperm parameters. Some studies showed impaired sperm parameters. In chronic bacterial prostatitis, half of the patients reveal significant bacteriospermia with still debatable deleterious effects on sperm quality. Few interventional studies have addressed fertility issues in those patients. Anti-inflammatory treatment perhaps could have a positive impact on sperm parameters. Sexual dysfunction can be described by different components such as erectile, ejaculatory, orgasmic and sexual desire dysfunctions. Sexual dysfunction in chronic prostatitis adds to the number of positive symptom phenotypes and correlates therefore with increasing symptom scores in patients with chronic prostatitis syndromes. However, prospective interventional studies on the role of sexual dysfunctions are missing. Hormones have been found to modulate the inflammatory response via different receptors, particularly via estrogen receptor alpha. This evidence, however, is mainly limited to pre-clinical studies currently.

Conclusion: Andrological implications are heterogenous and frequently described in patients with chronic prostatitis syndrome. Nonetheless, andrological factors have not been routinely addressed as primary variables in the different studies, which makes further research necessary.

Written by:
Wagenlehner F, Pilatz A, Linn T, Diemer T, Schuppe HC, Schagdarsurengin U, Hossain H, Meinhardt A, Ellem S, Risbridger G, Weidner W.   Are you the author?
Department of Urology Pediatric Urology and Andrology Justus‑Liebig‑University of Giessen Giessen, Germany.

Reference: Minerva Urol Nefrol. 2013 Jun;65(2):117-23.

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 23703099 Prostatitis Section