Continent urinary diversion in the epispadias-exstrophy complex - Abstract

Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, Connecticut.

Division of Pediatric Urology, Connecticut Children's Medical Center, Hartford, Connecticut.



Despite improvements in modern surgical reconstructive techniques, many patients with epispadias-exstrophy continue to experience urinary incontinence. Continent diversion is commonly performed to achieve urinary continence and improve quality of life. In this work we describe the population that can be considered for continent urinary diversion, consider the benefits and implications of concurrent augmentation and bladder neck closure, and review recent literature regarding continence outcomes and common complications. Even in this complex patient population, urinary continence can be reliably achieved by bladder augmentation and the use of intermittent catheterization via a catheterizable cutaneous stoma with or without closure of the bladder neck.

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Chalmers D, Ferrer F.   Are you the author?

Reference: Semin Pediatr Surg. 2011 May;20(2):102-8.

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 21453854 Pediatric Urology Section