A thorough clinical assessment including physical examination is crucial in a diagnostic work-up, including in patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS). This study investigated the prevalence of pain areas and the mechanosensitivity of peripheral nerves in patients with CPPS and compared the findings with a healthy control group.
Healthy volunteers and patients diagnosed with CPPS were assessed with physical examinations and neurodynamic testing.
The CPPS group (n = 26) and the control group (n = 28) showed no statistical differences between males and females for age and body mass index (Mann-Whitney U test). The patients in the CPPS group were significantly older and had a significantly higher weight compared to controls. Healthy volunteers did not show any pain area or mechanosensitivity of the examined peripheral nerves of the lumbosacral plexus. Patients with CPPS showed a variety of pain from different musculoskeletal origins. Neurodynamic testing demonstrated significant mechanosensitivity in at least one nerve of the lumbosacral plexus in 88% of the patients with CPPS, suggesting minor nerve injuries. Pudendal nerve mechanosensitivity was found in 85% of patients, while 42% had multiple nerves involved. Unilateral or bilateral pudendal channel palpatory pain was present in 62% of the CPPS group and not in controls.
This study shows musculoskeletal pain and a high prevalence of minor nerve injuries in CPPS patients, indicating the presence of abnormal impulse generation sites that can help in understanding the clinical picture in CPPS patients and guiding their treatment.
Scandinavian journal of urology. 2017 Jul 05 [Epub ahead of print]
Jörgen Quaghebeur, Jean-Jacques Wyndaele, Stefan De Wachter
a Department of Urology , University Hospital Antwerp , Edegem , Belgium., b Department of Urology , University of Antwerp , Antwerp , Belgium.