Up-and-coming pharmacotherapeutic options for treating patients with refractory overactive bladder.

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a prevalent disorder with a significant impact on quality of life. The pathophysiology of OAB is multifactorial and the majority of patients will require treatment with multiple therapies across the course of their disease. First-line treatments include bladder retraining, fluid advice and pelvic floor muscle training. Following this, patients may be offered treatment with anticholinergic and β3 agonist medications. Anticholinergics are known to have high rates of discontinuation due to side effects and there are concerns regarding anticholinergic load and its impact on cognitive function in older adults.

This paper aims to discuss the current and emerging treatment options available for patients who suffer from OAB.

The management of OAB in the clinical setting remains challenging. The goal of newer pharmacotherapies in OAB would be treatment that provides long-term symptomatic relief with minimal side effects and an improved quality of life. The future of OAB research is promising and should consider the implications of the gut-bladder axis, regenerative medicine, biomarkers and the role of digital health.

Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy. 2025 Feb 01 [Epub]

Rayan Mohamed-Ahmed, Dudley Robinson

Department of Urogynaecology, King's College Hospital, London, UK.