Effect of Reflexology to Depressive Symptoms in Women With Overactive Bladder

This study is to determine the effect of foot reflexology on the level of depression in women with OAB. Study findings included in the study showed foot reflexology as a part of OAB treatment relieved urinary and depressive symptoms and had a positive effect on quality of life.

Holistic nursing practice. 0000 [Epub]

Yasemin Aydin, Ergul Aslan, Onay Yalcin

Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Health Sciences, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey (Ms Aydin); Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, Istanbul University Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Istanbul, Turkey (Ms Aslan); and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Istanbul University Istanbul School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey (Ms Yalcin).