The surgical treatment of complete genital prolapse must aimthe restoration of the vaginal support structures.
All 3 levels ofthe vaginal support system must be recreated. Ablation of theuterus is not useful for pelvic floor support. Sparing of theuterus offers the advantage of a reduced surgical trauma, andbetter pelvic floor restoration. We present the case of a 60-year old woman with complete genital prolapse where the uteruswas spared, and sacrospinous fixation, anterior mesh repair,perineal body repair and suburethral sling insertion were performed. The results were very good, by means of pelvic floorstatics and physiology of micturition.
Conclusion: Genital prolapse must be cured by reconstructionof the vaginal support system, not by hysterectomy.
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Pirtea L, Grigoras D, Ilina R, Mueller-Funogea A. Are you the author?
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, “Victor Babeæ” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timiæoara, Romania.
Reference: Chirurgia (Bucur). 2014 Jan-Feb;109(1):139-41.
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 24524486 Trauma & Reconstruction Section