An ectopic ureter is a condition characterized by a ureter, whether single or duplex, that fails to open in the trigone area of the urinary bladder but instead drains outside of it. This anomaly arises congenitally due to abnormal migration of the ureteric bud during its insertion into the urinary bladder. Here, we present a case involving an ectopic ureter draining into the vagina, with continuous urinary incontinence. We discuss the diagnosis, evaluation, and management of urinary incontinence in a female because of an ectopic ureter. A 9-year-old girl child presented with a continuous urinary leak or incontinence requiring the use of one to two pads per day that progressively became wetter throughout the day. Physical examination revealed a normal urethral meatus and vagina without obvious visible dribbling of urine at the introitus. CT urography showed significant dilation of the right ureter, causing hydroureter and ectopic insertion of the tortuous right ureter near the external urethral orifice at the vaginal vestibule, along with an atrophic right kidney. A DTPA (diethylenetriamine pentaacetate) scan indicated the nonfunctional status of the right kidney. The patient underwent a right nephroureterectomy, leading to a complete resolution of urinary incontinence. Ectopic ureter causing nonfunctional kidney and urinary leak or incontinence is rare. This case emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive diagnostic workup for achieving a better prognosis and initiating early treatment of ectopic ureter.
Cureus. 2024 May 10*** epublish ***
Abhijit Dhale, Ruturaj Pendkar, Ghanshyam Hatwar, Jay D Dharamshi, Yashasvi Trivedi
Urology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research, Wardha, IND., Surgery, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education and Research, Wardha, IND.