This article addresses the assessment and management of male incontinence with a specific focus on the use of the male external catheter (MEC) or urinary sheath.
Education and expertise when dealing with a man with urinary incontinence, as well as a tactful and sensitive attitude towards this embarrassing problem, are essential for a successful outcome. The urinary sheath is often perceived by nurses and patients as a difficult product to master and is prone to failure owing to incorrect fitting and management. With correct usage it can make a great difference to a patient's quality of life and avoid problems often associated with urinary catheters and pads such as urinary infection and skin excoriation. Detailed assessment of the patient as well as his suitability for the MEC is essential for a successful outcome.
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Smart C. Are you the author?
Urology Nurse Specialist in Benign Urology, Homerton University Hospital, London.
Reference: Br J Nurs. 2014 May 8;23(9):S20-5.
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 24820510 Urinary Incontinence Section