Role of radiotherapy in adrenocortical carcinoma - Abstract

PURPOSE: Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare and highly malignant tumor usually diagnosed in an advanced stage.

Radiation therapy has been a poorly studied and underutilized therapeutic option.

METHODS: This retrospective analysis reviewed treatment courses for 14 patients with pathologically confirmed ACC treated between 1997 and 2012. Two patients were treated adjuvantly following surgery, and 12 were treated with palliative intent. Patients presented with stage II (n = 4), stage III (n = 7), and stage IV (n = 3) disease. Patients had a mean age of 51.5 years. Ten patients received chemotherapy before radiotherapy (RT), and 12 patients received surgery before RT, before receiving radiation at a mean of 17.8 months after diagnosis.

RESULTS: In total, 20 sites were treated, 2 of which were in an adjuvant setting, and 18 of which were for palliative indications in 12 patients as follows: (1) pain/neuropathy (n = 10), (2) prophylactic treatment of asymptomatic recurrences (n = 3), and (3) prevention of imminent metastatic complications (n = 2), hemoptysis (n = 1), severe mass effect (n = 1), and brain metastasis (n = 1). Sites were treated to a median dose of 36.3 Gy (range, 17.5-60 Gy) in a median of 2.5 Gy/fraction (range, 1.8-4 Gy). At a mean follow-up of 22.0 months for the 2 patients given adjuvant RT, 1 patient did not have a local recurrence during a 14.3-month period of follow-up, and the other had a local recurrence 14.5 months after RT. At a mean follow-up of 11.3 months for the 12 patients receiving palliative RT, 10 patients had either a clinical or radiographic response. Of the courses of palliative RT that had adequate radiographic follow-up, 4 treatments (27%) resulted in a partial response. Eleven treatments (73%) that were able to be evaluated resulted in clinical improvement. Acute Radiation Therapy Oncology Group/European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer toxicities observed in 7 patients included 3 grade 1, 4 grade 2, and 1 grade 3. No patient had acute toxicity of grade 4 or greater or any Radiation Therapy Oncology Group/European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer late toxicity of grade 1 or greater.

DISCUSSION: This report is one of the largest to date examining the role of modern radiation techniques in the management of ACC. We conclude that radiation can be effective in the management of metastatic ACC, palliating local symptoms, and preventing complications from large metastases. Radiation should be considered as an option in multimodality management of ACC patients.

Written by:
Ho J, Turkbey B, Edgerly M, Alimchandani M, Quezado M, Camphausen K, Fojo T, Kaushal A.   Are you the author?
Radiation Oncology Branch, Molecular Imaging Program, Medical Oncology Branch, Laboratory of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.

Reference: Cancer J. 2013 Jul-Aug;19(4):288-94.
doi: 10.1097/PPO.0b013e31829e3221

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 23867507 Adrenal and Kidney Conditions Section