French AFU Cancer Committee Guidelines - Update 2022-2024: Non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC).

To update the ccAFU recommendations for the management of bladder tumours that do not infiltrate the bladder muscle (NBMIC).

A systematic review (Medline) of the literature from 2020 to 2022 was performed, taking account of the diagnosis, treatment options and surveillance of NMIBC, while evaluating the references with their levels of evidence.

The diagnosis of NMIBC (Ta, T1, CIS) is made after complete full-thickness tumour resection. The use of bladder fluorescence and the indication of a second look (4-6 weeks) help to improve the initial diagnosis. The EORTC score is used to assess the risk of recurrence and/or tumour progression. Through the stratification of patients in low, intermediate and high-risk categories, adjuvant treatment can be proposed: intravesical chemotherapy (immediate postoperative, initiation regimen) or BCG (initiation and maintenance regimen) instillations, or even the indication of cystectomy for BCG-resistant patients.

Updating the ccAFU recommendations should contribute to improving patient management, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of NMIBC.

Progres en urologie : journal de l'Association francaise d'urologie et de la Societe francaise d'urologie. 2022 Nov [Epub]

Y Neuzillet, B Pradère, E Xylinas, Y Allory, F Audenet, Y Loriot, A Masson-Lecomte, M Roumiguié, T Seisen, O Traxer, P Leon, M Roupret

Service d'Urologie, hôpital Foch, Université Paris Saclay, Suresnes, France. Electronic address: ., Service d'Urologie UROSUD, Clinique Croix Du Sud, 31130 Quint-Fonsegrives, France., Service d'Urologie, Hôpital Bichat-Claude Bernard AP-HP, Université Paris Cité, Paris, France., Service d'Anatomopathologie, Institut Curie, Université Paris Saclay, Saint-Cloud, France., Service d'Urologie, Hôpital Européen Georges-Pompidou AP-HP Centre, Université Paris Cité, Paris, France., Service d'Oncologie Médicale, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France., Service d'Urologie, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Université de Paris, Paris, France., Service d'Urologie, CHU de Toulouse, UPS, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France., Sorbonne Université, GRC 5 Predictive Onco-Uro, AP-HP, Urologie, Hôpital Pitié-Salpetrière, 75013 Paris, France., Sorbonne Université, GRC#20 Lithiase Urinaire et EndoUrologie, AP-HP, Urologie, Hôpital Tenon, 75020 Paris, France., Service d'Urologie, clinique Pasteur, Royan, France.