Listen to Dr. Sartor from Tulane University present new data from the phase III ALSYMPCA trial (ALpharadin in SYMptomatic Prostate CAncer) in this podcast: "Radium-223 Chloride (Alpharadin) in Patients With Bone Metastases and Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC): A New Treatment Paradigm"
The ALSYMPCA trial was a phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled international study of radium-223 chloride (Xofigo®) plus best standard of care vs. placebo plus best standard of care in patients with CRPC, symptomatic bone metastases, and no known visceral metastatic disease. The trial enrolled 921 patients in more than 100 centers in 19 countries. Patients were stratified based on their baseline alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level, current bisphosphonate use, and whether or not they had received docetaxel prior to study enrollment. The study treatment consisted of up to 6 intravenous injections of radium-223 chloride (Xofigo®) or placebo each separated by an interval of 4 weeks. The primary endpoint of the study was overall survival (OS). A key secondary endpoint was time to first symptomatic skeletal event (SSE). SSE was defined as first use of EBRT to relieve skeletal pain, new symptomatic pathologic bone fracture, occurrence of spinal cord compression, or tumor-related orthopedic surgical intervention.
Related content:
Abstract: Alpha emitter radium-223 and survival in metastatic prostate cancer
Press release: The New England Journal of Medicine publishes results from the phase III ALSYMPCA study of Xofigo® (radium Ra 223 dichloride) injection
Dr. A. Oliver Sartor is a graduate of Tulane Medical School (1982) and was elected President of the AOA Honor Society. After completing residency in internal medicine at Tulane in 1986, he served as a fellow in the Medical Oncology Branch of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. From 1990-1993 he served as a Senior Investigator at the National Cancer Institute in the Clinical Pharmacology Branch where he began to focus on novel therapeutics and clinical trials for advanced prostate cancer patients. He was the Director of the Stanley S. Scott Cancer Center, and served as Chief of the Hematology/Oncology Section at the Louisiana State University (LSU) Health Sciences Center in New Orleans from 1998-2006. After Hurricane Katrina, he departed New Orleans to join the Lank Center for Genitourinary Oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School in Boston. He returned to Tulane Medical School in 2008 as the Piltz Professor of Cancer Research with a joint appointment in the Departments of Medicine and Urology. He has now been named the LaBorde Professor for Cancer Research. In 2010 he was appointed as the Medical Director of the Tulane Cancer Center.
Dr. Sartor’s research and clinical interests have focused broadly on prostate cancer over the past 20 years. His publications range from the genetic studies on prostate cancer, to studies of ethnic populations, to clinical trials involving novel agents. Among other duties, he is past-Chairman of the Integration Panel for the Department of Defense’s Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program in Prostate Cancer and the Medical Oncology Chairman of the GU Oncology Committee at the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG). He has lead a number of large international trials in prostate cancer, including those leading to the FDA approval of samarium-153 EDTMP and cabazitaxel.