A cohort study among 402 patients with penile cancer in Maranhão, Northeast Brazil with the highest worldwide incidence.

Maranhão State-Northeast Brazil-has the world's highest incidence of penile cancer. This study describes the epidemiological, histopathological and clinical profile of patients stricken across that Brazilian state. The study is aimed at providing new data on neoplasia.

402 men stricken with penile cancer were studied from January 2004 to December 2018. A retrospective stage was developed with collection of physical and electronic records. A prospective stage was performed with collection of clinical and epidemiological information through a questionnaire. The surgical material was looked into by a uropathologist, and the lesions were evaluated for macroscopic characteristics and various microscopic parameters. Three articles using this data have already been published.

BMC research notes. 2020 Sep 18*** epublish ***

Ciro Bezerra Vieira, Antonio Teixeira-Júnior, Laisson Feitoza, Jaqueline Pinho, José Calixto, Francisco Sérgio Moura Silva do Nascimento, Marcos Adriano Garcia Campos, Joyce Lages, Antonio Machado Alencar Junior, Fernando Soares, Isabela Cunha, Gyl Eanes Barros Silva

University Hospital of Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), Barão de Itapari Street, Centro, São Luís, Brazil., Postgraduate Program in Adult Health (PPGSAD), Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), São Luis, MA, Brazil., Department of Radiology, University Clinic Hospital of Estadual University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil., Laboratory of Immunofluorescence and Electron Microscopy (LIME), Presidente Dutra University Hospital (HUUFMA), São Luís, MA, Brazil., Department of Medicine II, Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), São Luís, MA, Brazil., Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, São Luís, Brazil., Doctor at the Antônio Prudente Foundation, São Paulo, Brazil., Laboratory of Immunofluorescence and Electron Microscopy (LIME), Presidente Dutra University Hospital (HUUFMA), São Luís, MA, Brazil. .