Metastatic urethral melanoma: Case report and review of the literature - Abstract

Melanoma is a cancer that originates from melanocytes, is predominant in adults with white skin, represents 4% of skin cancers, and has high possibility of forming metastasis.

This review reports on the case of a young man, age 36 years, previously diagnosed with melanoma. The patient complained of obstructive urinary symptoms and, while he was undergoing a cystoscopy, it was discovered that he had a lesion corresponding with metastatic melanoma of the prostatic urethra, which occluded almost the entire urethra and resulted in blocked urinary flow. He underwent a transurethral resection of the prostate, followed by resection of the lesion. After the procedure, he had good urinary flow and is currently on follow-up.

Written by:
Mafra RS, Alberti LR, Vasconcelos BM, De Oliveira RS.   Are you the author?
Instituto Metropolitano de Ensino Superior-IMES, Ipatinga, MG, Brazil; Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil; Belo Horizonte Health System, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.

Reference: Rev Urol. 2014;16(1):47-49.

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 24791155 Penile and Urethral Cancers Section