Carcinosarcoma of the female urethra - Abstract

Carcinosarcoma is a rare malignant tumor with a biphasic morphology characterized by the presence of a malignant epithelial and mesenchymal component.

It has been reported in many organs, including the genitourinary tract. We describe a case of a 47-year-old woman admitted to our hospital for history of recurrent urinary tract infection, dysuria and discharge of bloody fluid from the urethra at the end of urination. A tender palpable mass under the anterior vaginal wall was found and pathological examination showed a urethral carcinosarcoma. The histopathogenetic hypothesis and clinical management were considered in this report.

Written by:
D'Arrigo L, Costa A, Fraggetta F, Pennisi M, Pepe P, Aragona F.   Are you the author?
Urology Unit and Pathology Unit, Cannizzaro Hospital, Catania, Italy.

Reference: Urol Int. 2014 Jan 30. Epub ahead of print.
doi: 10.1159/000355089

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 24481023 Penile and Urethral Cancers Section