Isolated anterior urethral recurrence of prostatic adenocarcinoma - Abstract

Isolated anterior urethral metastases from prostate cancer are rare.

The pathogenesis of this form of loco-regional recurrence may be related to spread by instrumentation-induced implantation and could potentially then be associated with a better prognosis than metastatic disease secondary to a more malignant phenotype. We report a case of a 68-year-old man with high-risk prostate cancer, diagnosed at transurethral resection of prostate, who was originally treated with combination external beam radiotherapy and hormonal therapy. He re-presented 4 years after his original diagnosis with recurrent gross hematuria and cystourethroscopic biopsies of anterior urethral polyps revealing isolated recurrent prostatic adenocarcinoma. We present our this case and review the literature.

Written by:
Beiko D, Zaza K, Power KV, Siemens DR, Boag AH.   Are you the author?
Department of Urology, Queen's University, Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, ON; Division of Radiation Oncology, Queen's University, Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, ON; Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Queensway Carleton Hospital, Ottawa, ON; Department of Pathology, Queen's University, Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, ON.

Reference: Can Urol Assoc J. 2014 May;8(5-6):E361-3.
doi: 10.5489/cuaj.1692

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 24940466 Penile and Urethral Cancers Section