Clinicopathological features of carcinoma of the distal penile urethra - Abstract

Distal urethral carcinomas are very rare and are similar in their pathology and behaviour to tumours of the glans penis and foreskin.

Similarly they are associated with penile intraepithelial neoplasia (PeIN) of both differentiated and undifferentiated types. Current management is mainly surgical, but increasingly involves specialist penile-preserving techniques. Handling and dissection of the specimens is broadly the same as other primary penile tumours. The prognosis of distal urethral lesions is believed to be worse than penile tumours and better than prostatic urethral tumours, but the evidence is sparse. The staging system for urethral tumours does not distinguish between proximal and distal, apart from prostatic urethra, and has led to much confusion in the literature. Although the subtypes of tumours seen in the distal urethra are the same as those on the glans and foreskin, there is an increased proportion of basaloid squamous carcinoma and malignant melanoma whereas the majority of tumours seen in the proximal and prostatic urethra are of urothelial origin. In future, distal urethral tumours should be separately designated with site-specific staging/TNM and reporting system and pathologically classified in the same way as penile and foreskin tumours. Ultimately, this will improve the quality of data and produce evidence to inform management.

Written by:
Corbishley CM, Rajab RM, Watkin NA.   Are you the author?
Department of Cellular Pathology, St George׳s Healthcare NHS Trust, Blackshaw Road, Tooting SW17 0QT, London, UK; Department of Urology St George׳s Healthcare NHS Trust, Tooting, London, UK.  

Reference: Semin Diagn Pathol. 2014 Dec 25. pii: S0740-2570(14)00122-1.
doi: 10.1053/j.semdp.2014.12.015

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25656527 Penile and Urethral Cancers Section