Prostate Cancer
Does an inflammatory pattern at primary biopsy suggest a lower risk for prostate cancer at repeated saturation prostate biopsy? - Abstract
August 10, 2011
Is it suitable to eliminate bone scan for prostate cancer patients with PSA ≤ 20 ng/mL? - Abstract
August 10, 2011
Carbidopa abrogates l-dopa decarboxylase coactivation of the androgen receptor and delays prostate tumor progression - Abstract
August 10, 2011
Editor's Commentary - Recombinant origin of the retrovirus XMRV
August 10, 2011
BIDMC scientists receive $2 million in challenge awards from Prostate Cancer Foundation
August 10, 2011
A patient report 2 years after laparoscopic prostatectomy for severe, chronic prostatitis
August 10, 2011
Positive margins after radical prostatectomy: Implications for failure and role of adjuvant treatment - Abstract
August 9, 2011
Primary care perspectives on prostate cancer survivorship: Implications for improving quality of care - Abstract
August 9, 2011