Prostate Cancer
3D prostate histology image reconstruction: Quantifying the impact of tissue deformation and histology section location - Abstract
February 3, 2014
Age and racial differences among PSA-Detected (AJCC Stage T1cN0M0) prostate cancer in the U.S.: A population-based study of 70,345 men - Abstract
February 3, 2014
A comprehensive review of neuroanatomy of the prostate - Abstract
February 3, 2014
Localization of higher grade tumor foci in potential candidates for active surveillance who opt for radical prostatectomy - Abstract
February 3, 2014
Prostate MRI: Access to and current practice of prostate MRI in the United States - Abstract
February 1, 2014
Clinical and demographic factors associated with receipt of non guideline-concordant initial therapy for nonmetastatic prostate cancer - Abstract
February 1, 2014
Obesity has multifaceted impact on biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer: A dose-response meta-analysis of 36,927 patients - Abstract
February 1, 2014
Treatment planning for prostate focal laser ablation in the face of needle placement uncertainty - Abstract
January 31, 2014
GU Cancers Symposium 2014 - A decade in review for radiotherapy of prostate cancer - Session Highlights
January 31, 2014