Prostate Cancer
Using a population-based observational cohort study to address difficult comparative effectiveness research questions: The CEASAR study - Abstract
December 12, 2013
The emerging relevance of heterogeneity of treatment effect in clinical care: A study using stage IV prostate cancer as a model - Abstract
December 12, 2013
Managing cancer-related fatigue in men with prostate cancer: A systematic review of non-pharmacological interventions - Abstract
December 12, 2013
Treatment and 5-year survival in patients with nonmetastatic prostate cancer: The Norwegian Experience - Abstract
December 11, 2013
Radiographically occult latent radiogenic osteosarcoma uncovered on Tc-99m methylene-diphosphonate bone scintigraphy - Abstract
December 11, 2013
Dose/volume-response relations for rectal morbidity using planned and simulated motion-inclusive dose distributions - Abstract
December 11, 2013
The prostate cancer risk stratification (ProCaRS) project: Recursive partitioning risk stratification analysis - Abstract
December 11, 2013
High-dose-rate brachytherapy alone given as two or one fraction to patients for locally advanced prostate cancer: Acute toxicity - Abstract
December 11, 2013
High dose rate brachytherapy boost for prostate cancer: A systematic review - Abstract
December 11, 2013
SUO 2013 - Abstract and Poster: Impact of prior docetaxel on sipuleucel-T product parameters in PROCEED patients
December 10, 2013
Economic evaluation of sipuleucel-T immunotherapy in castration-resistant prostate cancer - Abstract
December 10, 2013