Prostate Cancer
Unusual presentations of metastatic prostate carcinoma as detected by anti-3 F-18 FACBC PET/CT - Abstract
September 2, 2011
The changing therapeutic landscape of castration-resistant prostate cancer - Abstract
September 2, 2011
Cancer immunology-analysis of host and tumor factors for personalized medicine - Abstract
September 2, 2011
PSA affects prostate cancer cell invasion in vitro and induces an osteoblastic phenotype in bone in vivo - Abstract
September 2, 2011
Inhibition of Src family kinases and receptor tyrosine kinases by dasatinib: Possible combinations in solid tumors - Abstract
September 2, 2011
Multi-media support for informed/shared decision-making before and after a cancer diagnosis - Abstract
September 1, 2011
Reirradiation of prostate cancer with rectum preservation: Eradicative high-dose-rate brachytherapy with natural type hyaluronate injection - Abstract
September 1, 2011
Prevalence and correlates of vitamin and supplement usage among men with a family history of prostate cancer - Abstract
September 1, 2011
Editor's Commentary - Long-term survival after radical prostatectomy versus external-beam radiotherapy for patients with high-risk prostate cancer
September 1, 2011