Prostate Cancer
The utility of PSA velocity in prediction of prostate cancer and high grade cancer after an initially negative prostate biopsy - Abstract
October 15, 2013
Identifying barriers to patient acceptance of active surveillance: Content analysis of online patient communications - Abstract
October 15, 2013
High-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy based on registered transrectal ultrasound and in-room cone-beam CT images - Abstract
October 15, 2013
PSAP expression in a primary presacral neuroendocrine tumor: Potential for confusion with prostate cancer - Abstract
October 15, 2013
Prostate histoscanning in clinically localized biopsy proven prostate cancer - An accuracy study - Abstract
October 15, 2013
Clinical features and treatment strategies for older prostate cancer patients with bone metastasis - Abstract
October 15, 2013
Metastatic prostate cancer in transsexual diagnosed after three decades of estrogen therapy - Abstract
October 15, 2013
MR-guided biopsy of the prostate: Comparison of diagnostic specimen quality with 18G and 16G biopsy needles - Abstract
October 15, 2013
Do margins matter? The influence of positive surgical margins on prostate cancer-specific mortality - Abstract
October 15, 2013
Improving plan quality and consistency by standardization of dose constraints in prostate cancer patients treated with CyberKnife - Abstract
October 15, 2013
Influence of obesity on localized prostate cancer patients treated with radical prostatectomy - Abstract
October 15, 2013