Prostate Cancer
A rare location of metastasis from prostate cancer: Hydronephrosis associated with ureteral metastasis - Abstract
October 5, 2011
Perceptions of prostate cancer in Black African and Black Caribbean men: A systematic review of the literature - Abstract
October 4, 2011
A decision support model for cost-effectiveness of radical prostatectomy in localized prostate cancer - Abstract
October 4, 2011
Toxicity report of once weekly radiation therapy for low-risk prostate adenocarcinoma: Preliminary results of a phase I/II trial - Abstract
October 4, 2011
Combined magnetic resonance spectroscopy and dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging for prostate cancer detection - Abstract
October 4, 2011
Can diet combined with treatment scheduling achieve consistency of rectal filling in patients receiving radiotherapy to the prostate? - Abstract
October 3, 2011
Total testosterone in young men is more closely associated than free testosterone with prostate cancer disparities - Abstract
October 3, 2011
Mast cell targeting hampers prostate adenocarcinoma development but promotes the occurrence of highly malignant neuroendocrine cancers - Abstract
September 30, 2011
Phase III trial of selenium to prevent prostate cancer in men with high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia: SWOG S9917 - Abstract
September 30, 2011
On chip immuno-affinity profiling of cancer- and benign hyperplasia-associated free prostate specific antigen - Abstract
September 30, 2011
Clonal architecture of human prostatic epithelium in benign and malignant conditions - Abstract
September 30, 2011