Prostate Cancer
CURy 2011 - Abiraterone acetate in castration-resistant prostate cancer - Slide Presentation
April 18, 2011
Salvage lymphadenectomy in postprostatectomy patients with prostate-specific antigen recurrence - Abstract
April 15, 2011
The effect of demographic and clinical factors on the relationship between BMI and PSA levels - Abstract
April 15, 2011
Constitutional risk factors in prostate cancer - Abstract
April 15, 2011
Estrogen-initiated transformation of prostate epithelium derived from normal human prostate stem-progenitor cells - Abstract
April 14, 2011
Robotic radical prostatectomy: A critical analysis of the impact on cancer control - Abstract
April 14, 2011
Robotic high-intensity focused ultrasound for prostate cancer: What have we learned in 15 years of clinical use? - Abstract
April 14, 2011
The patient after radical prostatectomy : Complexity and efficiency of a urological rehabilitation program - Abstract
April 13, 2011