Prostate Cancer
Decision analysis of dutasteride use for patients with negative prostate biopsy - Abstract
March 21, 2015
Burden of hospital admissions and utilization of hospice care in metastatic prostate cancer patients - Abstract
March 21, 2015
An age-adjusted comorbidity index for prediction of long-term, other-cause mortality in men with prostate cancer - Abstract
March 20, 2015
Time from first detectable PSA following radical prostatectomy to biochemical recurrence: A competing risk analysis - Abstract
March 20, 2015
#EAU15 - Myriad announces Prolaris® test biopsy results from EMPATHY-P study at European Association of Urology annual meeting
March 20, 2015
Spacers in radiotherapy treatment of prostate cancer: Is reduction of toxicity cost-effective? - Abstract
March 20, 2015
Robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy - Abstract
March 20, 2015