Prostate Cancer
Gas in the rectum tends to reduce during radical external beam radiotherapy for localised prostate cancer - Abstract
January 9, 2014
Use of bone scan during initial prostate cancer workup, downstream procedures, and associated Medicare costs - Abstract
January 9, 2014
Obesity is associated with higher risk of prostate cancer detection in a Korean biopsy population - Abstract
January 9, 2014
Salvage therapy of small volume prostate cancer nodal failures: A review of the literature - Abstract
January 9, 2014
Pre-prostatic tissue removed in robotic assisted lymph node dissection for prostate cancer contains lymph nodes - Abstract
January 8, 2014
Low-dose aspirin and survival in men with prostate cancer: A study using the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink - Abstract
January 8, 2014
Radioprotective effect of calcium channel blockers against late rectal bleeding in prostate cancer - Abstract
January 8, 2014
Direct cost for initial management of prostate cancer: A systematic review - Abstract
January 8, 2014
Meeting the health information needs of prostate cancer patients using personal health records - Abstract
January 8, 2014
Optimal timing of early versus delayed adjuvant radiotherapy following radical prostatectomy for locally advanced prostate cancer - Abstract
January 8, 2014
Prostate cancer in deceased organ donors: A review - Abstract
January 8, 2014