Impact of Pathology Review for Decision Therapy in Localized Prostate Cancer

The Gleason score is an essential tool in the decision to treat localized prostate cancer. However, experienced pathologists can classify Gleason score differently than do low-volume pathologists, and this may affect the treatment decision. This study sought to assess the impact of pathology review of external biopsy specimens from 23 men with a recent diagnosis of localized prostate cancer.

All external biopsy specimens were reviewed at our pathology department. Data were retrospectively collected from scanned charts.

The median patient age was 63 years (range: 46-74 years). All patients had a Karnofsky performance score of 90% to 100%. The median prostate-specific antigen level was 23.6 ng/dL (range: 1.04-13.6 ng/dL). Among the 23 reviews, the Gleason score changed for 8 (35%) patients: 7 upgraded and 1 downgraded. The new Gleason score affected the treatment decision in 5 of 8 cases (62.5%).

This study demonstrates the need for pathology review in patients with localized prostate cancer before treatment because Gleason score can change in more than one-third of patients and can affect treatment decision in almost two-thirds of recategorized patients.

Clinical medicine insights. Pathology. 2017 Nov 02*** epublish ***

Pedro Luiz Serrano Usón, Ricardo Silvestre E Silva Macarenco, Fernando Nunes Oliveira, Oren Smaletz

Oncology Department, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil., Pathology Department, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil.