Prostate cancer-associated lncRNAs

Long non-coding RNA (LncRNA) is defined as an RNA transcript that does not encode any protein, with a length longer than 200 nt. Based on the recent advances in high-throughput sequencing techniques, a large number of lncRNAs have been characterized as functional transcripts that play important roles in various biological processes as well as pathologic states. In a research field of prostate cancer, several key lncRNAs have been identified as new players that contribute to the pathophysiology of the disease, which is primarily regulated by androgen and its cognate receptor. This review sheds light on the history and future perspective of these prostate cancer-associated lncRNAs.

Cancer letters. 2018 Jan 09 [Epub ahead of print]

Yuichi Mitobe, Ken-Ichi Takayama, Kuniko Horie-Inoue, Satoshi Inoue

Division of Signal Transduction, Research Center for Genomic Medicine, Saitama Medical University, Saitama, Japan., Department of Functional Biogerontology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Tokyo, Japan., Division of Signal Transduction, Research Center for Genomic Medicine, Saitama Medical University, Saitama, Japan; Department of Functional Biogerontology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Tokyo, Japan. Electronic address: .