Theranostic Pt(IV) Conjugate with Target Selectivity for Androgen Receptor

It is difficult to diagnose and treat castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) which occurs due to the overexpression of androgen receptor (AR). Because there is a high level of AR in CRPC, we designed and prepared three Pt(IV)-based prodrugs targeting AR. Among them, compound 3, a three-in-one hybrid (an AR binding ligand, a cisplatin unit, and a coumarin moiety), was found to display satisfactory AR binding affinity and antagonist activity against androgen receptor, which could also be effectively internalized and visualized in LNCaP (AR+) cells. Due to its AR affinity, 3 selectively accumulated in greater quantities in LNCaP (AR+) cells than in PC-3 (AR-) cells. Moreover, compound 3 exhibited excellent anticancer activity superior to cisplatin.These results highlight the targeting theranostic application of Pt(IV) prodrugs.

Inorganic chemistry. 2018 Apr 18 [Epub ahead of print]

Xiaodong Qin, Lei Fang, Jian Zhao, Shaohua Gou