Magnetic-assisted robotic surgery: initial case series of reduced-port robotic prostatectomy

Minimally invasive radical prostatectomy has rapidly been adopted as the primary means of surgical intervention for prostate cancer. Intraoperative tissue retraction relies on either gravity (via positioning) or use of additional ports and instrumentation. We report the use of a novel trocar-less magnetic retractor system to aid with tissue retraction. Three patients underwent robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy in the treatment of prostatic adenocarcinoma at a single tertiary care institution. All surgeries utilized the Levita™ Magnetic Surgical System (San Mateo, CA) without the use of a fourth robotic arm. The magnetic grasper was used to manipulate the bowel, peritoneum, seminal vesicles, and prostatic capsule. Demographic, pre-operative, and perioperative information were collected. No cases required placement of any additional ports. No intraoperative or immediate post-operative complications occurred. No tissue tearing or subjective tissue damage was noted by placement or removal of the magnetic retractor. Mean operative time was 216 ± 17 min and mean blood loss was 333 ± 57 mL. All patients were discharged to home on post-operative day 1. Robotic prostatectomy utilizing a magnetically anchored tissue grasper appears to be safe and effective while reducing the number of ports (fourth robotic arm) needed. Further investigation is warranted.

Journal of robotic surgery. 2018 Nov 07 [Epub ahead of print]

Ryan L Steinberg, Brett A Johnson, Jeffrey A Cadeddu

Department of Urology, University of Texas Southwestern, 2001 Inwood Road, Building WCB3, Suite 4.894, Dallas, Texas, 75390-9110, USA., Department of Urology, University of Texas Southwestern, 2001 Inwood Road, Building WCB3, Suite 4.894, Dallas, Texas, 75390-9110, USA. .